Monday, May 26, 2008 26 May 08(2)
Posted by Loving At A God Level at 11:10 PM
recently got many people with problems with the heart man! BGR problems
guys please relax!!! Seriously, this is one problem I can't really help you...
not that I don't want, but I've never stepped into a relationship with someone before
so I won't know how to solve the problems.

But don't worry or fret too much? I'll be keeping y'all in prayer!!
really hope that you can overcome this milestone in your life, and come out victorious.
If you need, my phone is always switched on. give me a call or drop me a text message!!
I'll definitely reply you. Don't bottle it all up inside, it's really not healthy for you.
I just got 3 questions thrown at me! haha they'd really provoke you into thinking
"maybe it should have been me that asked that question"
the first one is that if people say that humans are evolved from monkeys, why then,
are the monkeys still around??? you know when you go to the zoo why don't you like
see a cage saying monkeys, then the next saying evolving and a third cage saying totally
evolved! lol yea haha

The second question is whenever someone asks you 'if you're stranded on an island, what are
three things you'd bring?' why no one every reply a boat? People will always say I want to
bring my bestfriend or my coke or my Laptop, but why never a boat? haha puzzling? got one

you know the song rock-a-bye-baby? yea it's a song about a baby, rocking on a cradle on a tree
and then when the wind blows the baby will come tumbling down! and guess what? mothers
sing that song to their babies to make them sleep!!!! how could babies sleep to that? haha
well it's origin was by a guy that went to Africa and saw the african women rocking their
babies like that so he wrote the song to warn parents do not rock their babies on the tree
or they might come crashing down...

YEAH! these are 3 questions haha they're cool in a certain way but at the same
time irritating! haha it's like ehh!!! I should have asked/known that! haha