Monday, April 28, 2008 27 Apr 08(2)
Posted by Loving At A God Level at 2:59 PM
YO!! peoples of the world and HUMAN BEANIES...
haha yes I'm back once again to blog...well this would be the last time in five days that I'll
be blogging (: yeap so I'll be back on thursday or friday, depending on my stress level (:

Yes, today was great, awesome, whatever you call it haha
FINALLY I can meet and have dinner with all my connect group members! after x13872896373yrs finally can haha
Okay, reached church at erm 5 plus? then talked walked around in church then went down for dinner. Ate at the 'Kopitiam' food court! I had curry chicken with potatoes and rice..LOL didn't know why I chose to eat that but yeah...haha tasted not bad anyway. Yassy ate the same as me!
Anyways yeap after eating, it was about 7.50pm. Then we just talk crap together, etc..come on..that is what a group of youths would do when they get together right? right?? haha yeah say right (:
I left at about 8.15pm..had to go home to start my MUGERATION process! which I'll be doing soon! haha SOCIAL STUDIES!! I SHALL CONQUER YOU! haha

I just want to talk about a topic that my pastor, Pst How, spoke about last time! It was about being Big people. When I say Big people, I don't mean by your outward stature..LOLL cuz yea as HUMAN BEANIES; which beans are not very big right? you know? beans are small! hahahah yeap not outward stature, but INWARDLY, be BIG.

6 words, Think Big, Grow Big, BE BIG.

Firstly, thinking big!
Now people, think bigger! Why don't you, now, think of a car.
What model will you think of?
Honda, Toyota and Hyundai?
well if you thought of cars like those, you got to think BIGGER!
I told you to think of cars, but I didn't say what kind of car...did I? yupp
so couldn't you have thought of Rose Royce, BMW, Ferrari and Mercedes?
THINK BIG man! Also, have bigger dreams of your future.
People say "don't build castles in the air" but coming to think of it, if people don't do that,
how are all those phenomenal building, world wonders and infrastructures invented?
I mean there has got to be someone that imagined/dreamed about those things and then 
bring them to past!
So don't give up on your dreams, you'll never know which is the dream that God has planned
out for you!
Like what the bible said: 'the old man shall see visions and the young man shall dream dreams'
haha I forgot the verse, but it's in the new testament...

Secondly, Grow Big!
yes you can grow big physically too but by growing big here, I am referring to your Spiritual life
with God! You may have parental objections to going for church services, but BUT you can always pray and worship God at home right? Or at least find a quiet place to pray. God is EVERYWHERE! you can even pray in the toilet man haha it does not matter. Increase your spiritual life! Pray more often, rather than thinking of your crush, or how you can suan your friend the next time he/she sees you.
God yearns to be with you, talk to you and comfort you in times of your depressions. So GO! pray and worship God today! If possible, make it a point to worship God in your room or before you sleep or in the morning everyday!

And lastly, BE BIG!
Be big minded! don't quarrel over little squabbles like he said I was stupid or she says I look
ugly today..I mean come on! If someone says you're stupid, so be it! won't that person be even more stupid? Cause he bothered to scold a stupid person...who scolds a stupid person man...if a person is stupid, no matter how much you scold, he/she'll be the same. So yes, ignore
minor comments! All you got to know is that an almighty God loves you no matter how you look, what your IQ level is, how handsome or pretty you look, etc. He loves you! say that to yourself now...JESUS LOVES ME! go it!
In the bible God says that we are fearfully and wonderfully made! and that we are His children in which He is well pleased..He even sent His only son to die for you! aren't you honored? a God, would be willing to die for YOU!!! imagine how precious you are to God?! so love yourself, be secure in who you are. Be Big! People can backstab you or slap you in the face, hey don't bother, infact give that person the other cheek! Do you think God would just let that person off with backstabbing you? Absolutely NOT! He will definitely take revenge for you! Bring all your frustrations and cares to God. Surrender it all to Him. Try it and see how God will deliver you!

Yeah man! hope what I've said or rather what this summary of what my pastor has preached has helped you? (:
God Loves YOU!
haha yess! proclaim it now! JESUS LOVES ME!
haha okay! that's again in 4/5 days time! if you're from shss,
then all the best for your MYEs!!! Do well man!

27 Apr 08
Posted by Loving At A God Level at 2:35 PM

check them out man!    red rain (ps. click on the small little red rain logo on the top left hand corner to view everything of the website)

listen to their songs, read up on the band members' biography etc!
it's gonna really really awesome man! and if you miss it,
like what the bible says there'd be gnashing of teeth! HAHA
And yes I got LOTS AND LOTS of tickets! *hints* XD
it'll be on the 24th and 25th of May (SAT & SUN)

here are Ten reasons why you should come:
1. Kick start the school holidays with a BLAST!
2. You will love the concert!
3. It's time to see how cool church can be.
4. It will change your lives!
5. It's a time for HARVEST!
6. It's the only time rain is RED.
7. Inviting friends to the concert will rock heaven up-side-down!!!!!!
9. Entry tickets are FREE
10. Because you've JUST READ THIS!

Yupp that's 10 reasons for you all to go for the concert!!! (:

Saturday, April 26, 2008 26 Apr 08
Posted by Loving At A God Level at 5:20 PM

RAINBOW!!!! it was just outside my house laa!!
haha I saw the end of the rainbow! for the first
time in my LIFE! whoooo!!!!!
HOWEVER there was no pot of GOLD!
tssk mythologists are BIG BIG BIG LIERS!
lol haha anyways....haha it's a cool rainbow!

whoo!!! marvin! haha I'm now gonna talk about City Harvest! (:
well....I went to CHC last sunday for mrs cho's seminar!...oh thanks marvin for letting
me wait with a girl ALONEE! haha classmate wanted to meet me at 8am, which is also
the time you were supposed to reach. IT WAS THE MOST AWKWARD MOMENT IN
MY LIFE SO FAR! haha I didn't know what to talk, cuz i don't know her well?? yeah haha tssk!

Anyways! I managed to escape from her cuz I called other classmates down to accompany her! oh how smart of me -__- haha

Yeah then I met hoGc people at the Expo MRT station at about 9.15am, then as we were walking into hall 8, marvin and his friend(forgot his name, sorry!!!!) yeah haha they met us and we went in!

First, as usual, there was praise and worship. It was great man! Pst Sidney Mohede lead worship...was super anointed laa! LOVED IT SOOOO MUCH! the presence of God was so strong..MAN! you can just stay worshipping all day!

Then it came to the announcement part..hey peoples of CHC, the way your announcements are made is really really cool man!
I mean it's like two D.Js talking! haha rock on!!

After that we stood up again for another praise song, Great is our God. We sang it in English, Chinese and Korean! haha though I couldn't sing the Korean one, I could sing the Chinese one!!!! isn't it shocking?! yeah! Then after the song, Pastor Kong introduced Mrs Cho up to stage to preach.

The word Mrs Cho preached was great? though I couldn't really hear some of the things she said, but I could get the gist of the whole sermon. After she preached, we all worshipped with a song written by Mrs Cho! Truely, it was written by a great women of God!

It just feels good that there's another church in Singapore that is so like heart of God church, or rather, heart of God church is like CHC! haha yeap (:
And thanks Xiu Yin for your hospitality man! It gave us a superb impression of CHC!!!!!

25 Apr 08
Posted by Loving At A God Level at 1:20 PM
hey!! I'm back to blogging!
haha sorry for not posting often...had loads of homework and tests.
So...let's start from Monday..

Monday: Felt really weird cause there was no guitar practice. Guess it has became a weekly routine?? LOLL it'd usually be school till 1.15pm, then physics remedial till 2.15pm, then go down for guitar practices till 6?? haha yeah. BUT BUT it was substituted with my English O level prelim Oral exam! haha this is my results: 
                                                    Reading - 10/12
                                                    Picture Conversation - 10/12
                                                    Conversation - 15/16
                                                   Total score - 35/40

and it's an A1! yeah man! haha whoooo!!! but I lost to a girl in sec 4G by half marks...HALF MARKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HALF! tsk can you believe it?! tsk she's a fluke la HAHA kidding! nvm...I shall beat her in the actual O level Oral exam!! (:

Then there was chinese oral exam, but I forgot what day it was already! haha tsk but this is the comment given by ms lum or rather now known as mrs fu, after the oral as I was the LAST person: Eugene, I think your chinese has improved a lot since I last taught you in sec 3. But you have to improve a little more in your reading.

When I heard that, I was like YESS!!!!!! hhaha XD so happy man! my chinese improved A LOT!
well done Eugene Seah! (applause!)

Tuesday: Had an English Letter Writting(report)..yes I know. it's english AGAIN!
LOL haha but later on had Chemistry Mock test! oh man! the paper was super duper tough laa
Got to work really really hard man. I only had 29/50 for that paper laa! After that had a maths mock test as well! haha well it was quite a challenging paper...had so many weird square roots for the paper one and paper 2 got soooo many funny diagrams...Mr.philip wants to KILL us all man. Yes and that was tuesday...a tiring test-ing day.

Wednesday: Late day!! yess! sleep more! (:
woke up at erm 7.43am?! haha was LATEEEE! well not exactly late but yea...reached just on time haha phew! 
then on wenesday, second period, got back my maths mock test results, got 72/100! haha though it's reasonably good, but it's 3 marks away from an A1!!! then after maths, had recess, played music in class, used the internet, and ate.....then had SS after recess! did source based questions. Benaiah went crazy laa haha talking all the studies period became a sexual talk session!!! tssk sick pervert..talked about sick stuff....and the worst thing was that Mr.Law joined in and answered his questions laa! and everyone was just laughing and laughing and laughing...

After school, went to tampines mall to meet my mum! (: she passed me money!! then I went back to school for a.maths remedial! In class then, I just took a glance at class 2B, and I remembered all those cool and funny moments I did and went through when I was sec 2! haha nice memories!

Thursday: Had P.E in the morning, ran 2.4Km again haha for fun!
my timing deproved(if there's such a word). it was 10.50mins la! from 9.56mins to 10.50mins
know why? cuz when I was running, I bumped into some metal thingy..and NOW I AM LIMPING!
haha injured myself again. It is no longer sporadic that I get injured's more like monthly now laa! lol
and my form teacher, Mdm Norhani, gave me this!

cool man! haha great to have such a caring
thanks mdm norhani!!!

Friday: Today's great for me also! Got back my physics test results and I got 28/30! YESS!!!!
I rule man  dance for joy!!!
yeah after school, went with my parents to meet their client!!!! TSSSSSK
was superrr bored laaa....we needed to rush to Jurong Point at 4pm in the afternoon, so had to follow them....met my relatives there, ate talked then went home. And I don't even know why 
we met up for laa!!!!
it's not like some special occasion?! tsk nevermind...weird relatives....

hhaha yea! that's my week for ya

Saturday, April 19, 2008 19 Apr 08(2)
Posted by Loving At A God Level at 4:55 PM
                  EUPHORICAL                                       My name!!!! whooo! haha isn't it
                        NONSENSICAL                               cool?! haha LOL (:


left to right:
Joleen, Wanling and Me! (:

it was supposedly the LAST guitar practice...
haha but it's not!
We all have to go back to help out laa! Or guitar would go from Silver to C.O.P
haha well....people slacking's fine! but maintain guitar's standard!
don't wanna be like the Ch**r haha the only CCA with C.O.P last year for SYF...
MUST GET GOLD NEXT YEAR!!!! We'll all be coming back to watch y'all play :)
so all the BEST!

19 Apr 08
Posted by Loving At A God Level at 3:45 PM
Back!!! haha Before I say anything else, I got to say this first!!!

those people that think I like you...well...please. Don't flatter yourself, cus you know, I don't like you haha okay that was mean.
REPHRASE: those people that think I like you, you thought wrong..I don't. so change your thinking?! yeah haha
and those erm people that likes me, PLEASE KEEP YOUR ABUNDANT LOVE TO YOURSELF AND DON'T put letters in my bag when I am having recess!...I don't really like it (: haha I'll really appreciate it if you keep your feelings to yourself???
yeah haha no offence...just that I'm married! haha ask me to whom if you wanna know XD

Right. Now, let's rewind back to monday...
well school was as usual...the same since like 5yrs ago?!?!
yeap but but but during guitar...towards the end, faces changed -__-
haha SOMEONE got angry! aww...relax kay?! haha

then tuesday, had a test spree!!! haha almost every period had a test!
first thing in the morning, P.O.A test
followed by Maths Trigo Test
then had Eng Compo Test and after that was RECESS! phew..
after recess was physics (no test) THANK GOD!
but I was not spared any longer..had a geography test after physics!! ):
and that was the end of tuesday.

Obviously, wednesday came
had my english O level oral prelim after school
the passage given and the conversation was easy as pie! but the picture was a KILLER!
really really thank God I saw some major clues in the picture..if not I would have failed the picture...yeah well I'm sorry 5B, haha I'VE TOPPED THE CLASS IN THE ORAL!

had P.E and my napfa test is after school!
YAH and before the napfa even started, I already had muscle aches! funny body haha
during P.E, played captain's ball! haha blocked 10 shots haha aww...poor Marcus haha 
can't jump higher than me! too bad! haha train more!!!
this is my napfa score:
2.4 run: 9.56mins (A)
shuttle run: 10.34sec (B)
chin-up: 14(A)
standing-broad-jump: 250cm (A)
sit-and-reach: 48cm (A)
seat-up: 47(A)
haha yess!!!! all As! except for shuttle run haha SPOILER!
and now I'm having muscle aches! my body hurts! ):
but it's worth it I guess....gonna get a gold for napfa!

and FINALLY! friday.
it was raining this morning so we had assembly in class.
met guitar members after the morning proceedings
sat at the study area for like 15 to 20mins plus..
then when I went back to class, Mr. Philip BLASTED AT ME!
i was like O.o?! what did I do?!
he said I was late for lesson and made me do 30 push ups laa! and when I told him I am having
muscle aches, he told me to do 35, and asked if i wanted more!!!!
that was the most torturing 35 push ups in my life!
controlling the pain and then do...tssk WALAO! Fat teachers are MEAN!
after that we had english, etc....nothing spectacular happened after that horrid 35 push ups...
oh oh oh this is what I drew for my geog project!!!

cool right?!
I drew more but didn't take picture of them
teacher was around

came back home after body was hurting like I slept like a pig till 4pm
haha then went out with my parents and then had tuition at 8pm till 9.45pm
then went online and started chatting! haha whooo!!!!

yeah okay I'll blog again tomorrow I think
toodles! BYE!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008 15 Apr 08
Posted by Loving At A God Level at 5:10 AM
I just read a book on personalities! and there's this chapter where it talks about 8 Kinds of people in the world!! so cool laa haha the first 4 are the . , ? !
yes the fullstop, comma, question marks and the exclamation points kind of people..

The full stops are people that do start things and they'd complete it. For example good engineers are the fullstop kind of people. They plan out a draft of a building and they make sure that it
d be completed within a certain amount of years.

Next, the commas. they are people that start things but never complete them. They start to pick up an instrument, but after a while, when they find it's too hard to learn, they'd give it up and try something new.

And now, it's the question marks. Question marks will always cast doubts in people's minds! they'd say things like 'are you sure he likes you?' or 'do you really think he's telling the truth?'
aren't these people annoying?! tsk haha yeah!

And the forth one. the exclamation points!! These are people that makes an impact everywhere they go. They are leaders. Identifying them is really easy. In a group of friends, see the one that everyone follows and is the most outspoken. now that'll be the exclamation point kind of people.

Finally, the other 4 kinds of people. the + - / X (addition, subtract, divde and multiplication)

The addition people are persons that adds to a group. They would give ideas and suggestions to a problem etc.
Won't it be good to have such people in a project group?! hint to COGELS.....

Next would be the subtracting people. They subtract from a group. They would always demoralize their friends. LIke when his/her friend is about to go for a competition, he/she'll be like aiya you cannot make it one la. DON'T BE LIKE THAT! (:

And now the worst kind of people. The DIVISIONS muahahahah. they are gossippers. Their main aim in life is to split friends up with their gossips! HATE SUCH PEOPLE!!!!!! Never have such people in your social group of friends! Because in no time you'll realise you'd start to hate or dislike one another.

But now, the best kinds of people, the multiplications! They are people that are always having more and more and more friends! They make friends like it's no body's problem! They meet a stranger and the next moment, they're like best of friends!! Be like this! XD haha

Yeap these are the 8 kinds of people! Which one are you?!
Identify and if you're in the comma, question mark, subtraction and division group, CHANGE!
but if you're in the other 4, maintain it and if possible IMPROVE!!!

Okay I'm done haha
going off to study now or sth (:

Monday, April 14, 2008 13 Apr 08
Posted by Loving At A God Level at 2:55 AM
The weekly routine is back! First day of the week...haha rejoice?!
A.maths tuition in 1 and a half hours time!
I'm doing my revisions after this post (: got to start studying....
last few weeks I've slackened.
my classmates are catching up with me!!!
NOOOOOO! that can't happen! I must always be
top! hmmph! hahahah LOL kidding...

and for everyone..let's JUST STOP SUAN-ING! 
once or twice it's okay but not SOOO OFTEN!
please haha I'll stop too (: I'll just keep what I know to myself from now onwards.
My friendster now has a contact that should NEVER HAVE BEEN THERE!! thanks to JOVAN!
JOVAN CHAN LI JUN! haha your random adding of friends has got to stop....
especially when you use my account.
well that'll be your last time anyways
haha awww....password changed! XD

It's april now...may's coming up in two weeks time..and so are my mid-yrs.
Time passes so fast!
Like school's just started and now the middle of the year is approaching.
Soon 'O' levels will be approaching too!
My chinese 'O' level examination is during the June holidays! and my English oral 'O' Level prelim is this wed and thurs!
WHOOO!!! can feel the stress coming already.
Quote from Mr. Law "By the June holidays you all will be desperate for notes and tests"
OH MY GOODNESS! we will be?? tsk lol we shall see haha

For now..MUG MUG MUG! I'll be having a study rule per week of 30hrs from Monday to Friday and 5hrs for Sat and Sun. So it'll be a total of 35hrs every week!
so do the math! 6hrs everyday is EASY! study from 3pm to 5pm, rest for two hours then start again from 7pm to 11pm! then from 11pm onwards, I'll complete any other homework that I've missed. see! it's easy right?! yeah haha anyone wants to join me?! it'd really really be a great, awesome, wonderful, extraordinary, magnanimous and supreme experience!
you got to join me! studying is gooood!
haha however it will be increased to 40hrs - 50hrs from August onwards! whoo!! yea!

When my 'O' level exams are over, I'll play and play and play! then go back to school during January and relief classes and go for the sec 3 camp! haha whoooo!!!!! sec 3s '09, you all SHALL DIE MUAHAHAHA (: especially someone called C_ _ _ _S! I'll sabo you! haha
then April '09, my schooling days will resume.  haha whoo!!! I've planned out my life till next year already! I feel so organized XD haha

Okay I'll go study now....

Sunday, April 13, 2008 12 Apr 08
Posted by Loving At A God Level at 2:59 PM
THANKS TO FOUNDERS DAY ): everyone went!! and I had to throw away the tickets. heard that it was great? nevermind haha btw I'll be going to expo(mother church) next week! pst cho's wife, mrs cho is coming to CHC!!!!!! whoooo!!!! it'll be at chc, 10am to 12.30pm. DON'T MISS IT! there'd be gnashing of teeth if you do (:
And here are the founder's day pictures! taken by Alison....from handbell...THEY'RE ALL UNGLAM!!! she could have told us that she was gonna take a picture of us la -__-

From left to right: Me, Aaron, Ahzfar
haha we were playing around?
I look so blur! tsssk!!

clockwise: joleen, wanling, me, cheryl

joleen, wanling and cheryl's hair all soooo brown! haha

cool-ness...everyone has have brown hair!
(except me haha thks to the wax I applied to my hair)

Anyway, I met up with cogels this afternoon at erm 12.25pm?! he was LATEEEE!!!!!
LOL haha repaired his watch then walked around tampines mall and century square
(got suan-ed AGAIN) tssk SEASHELLS!
then cogels went home at 1plus and I met my church friends for lunch at parkway!
ate at pasta mania...haha I ate a whole 12 inch pizza all by myself! yeah! hahah
but it's no point. I will never grow fat anyways..shall count it a blessing!
thank God that I'll never become fat and the turf club will NEVER have a spot for me! MUAHAHAHAHAH

after eating, we went back to church for service till 7pm. Service was greatt!!!! building find is coming up! step out in faith and GIVE! God dares ya! try Him out and see! haha yea man!
then after service, we talked and talked and talked till like
8.30pm then went home. Took a cab again! too lazy to take the train/bus.
reached home at 9pm?? then I went online, chat with friends (ignored a lot of windows) cuz there were so many!!! sorry!!! haha

Came back, ordered macs....ate and chat at the same time haha MULI-TASKING!
okay I'll end here! (:

Saturday, April 12, 2008 11 Apr 08
Posted by Loving At A God Level at 1:40 PM
however that means my tuitions will resume ):
nvm I shall overcome the O levels!
Founder's day can be erm considered fun? school ended at 10.45am hurrayy!!!
had to pass my school bag to my dad after school so I had to change to the founder's day uniform first...I WAS THE ONLY LOONEY IN THE WHOLE SCHOOL IN BLACK LAA!!!! haha my classmates called me emo -__-

yea so after school met up with joleen, wanling, cheryl, hazel, eunice, marvin, cogels...etc..
then went to tampines mall for lunch at macs.
but before that I went, I went to watsons first and cogels started thinking the unmentionables....tsk COGELS!!!! how could you?! haha LOL
at macs, I ate 2 burgers, one pac of medium fries and drank coke! and still felt hungry..
weird stomach I have.

after lunch, we went to yamaha to see some things then went to 4th level to buy the black files but there were none there!!!
so we decided to go to big bookshop later on our way back to school.
then we slacked at the room for peoples under 12 yrs old!
we owned that place for 30 mins plus then pri school students came in. and we left.
Took a bus to big bookshop, bought the files then went back to school.
went back, practiced the song "shine Jesus shine" with the pianist Joshua...then after that practiced among ourselves till about 3 plus the the girls went to change...THEY TOOK LIKE 30MINS TO CHANGE!!!! then another 15MINS PLUS TO PUT ON SHOES! and they were slip ons....tsk slow laaa!!! haha even marvin was faster hahahah

after the changing thing is over, shahril came in, ate some so-called refreshments
then we waited and waited...then found out that we'll only be playing at 6 to 7plus
so we went out to the study area to play.
then cuz wanling felt HOT!!! we went back into the music room.
stayed there till our debut time came.
and cheryl kept sabo-ing my hair laa!!!! the end got caught by mrs lum..
I have also became SOMEONE'S SCAPEGOAT! what she does wrong, I take the blame... ):
so yea we performed and it ended.

during the last debrief, shahril teared!!!! and guitar club comforted him! haha we rock!!
so we went down and ate and disturbed some people (RONG GUI AND KIRBY) haha and cogels got sprinkled by sugar!! YESS!!! hhaha did many more crappy things then went back up to the music room.
up there another someone suddenly had itchy hands and started playing the drums infront of ms toh/koh/goh whatever haha dunno her name....yea he played infront of her and got scolded twice! HAHAHAHAH sad.
I was smarter haha I played the drums when she was not around!
tsk cogels...

haha SEASHELL on the drums!!!!
cool man haha

then at about erm 8plus we left...on our way to the bus stop, met THAT THAT MEAN MEAN MEAN relief teacher haha suan me suan until I became speechless laa! then cheryl, wanling and cogels had to add on to his suan-ing tsk haha all mean people...told him things he shouldn't know and he told them things they shouldn't know also! he gave my nicknames like pretty boy, nice gay hair blah blah blah....tssk
...monday if he reliefs my'll be the start of my school life, beinging suan-ed. BULLIES!!! haha

anyway haha there are many many many other funny/weird/crappy moments that happened today....too much things to type out! If you've missed them then too bad! haha awww....
okay I'll stop here haha long post..
have a great time reading! XD

Tuesday, April 8, 2008 7 Apr 08
Posted by Loving At A God Level at 2:30 AM
I'm having chinese lesson NOW!!! hahaha
blogging at the same time...LTC doesn't know! haha whooooo!!!!

I had the logical thinking class just now and we did some thinking about this poem!!


Early in the morning,
in the middle of the night,
two dead boys got up tp fight.
they faced each other,
drew their swords
and shot each other.
A deaf policeman
heard the noise
and came and killed
those two dead boys.
And if you don't believe
this lie is true,
ask the blind man
he saw it too.

haha it's so contradictory laa! man! dead boys got up??
the deaf policeman heard? the dead boys got killed? the lie is true...and the blind man saw...
hahha MAN! so weird.....
okay LTC's coming to my direction now! OH MY GOODNESS!!!! and I'm still typing...
haha okay okay go off now

Monday, April 7, 2008 6 Apr 08(2)
Posted by Loving At A God Level at 6:30 AM

Overview of my church!

During praise and worship

Everyone was worshipping His honor! (:

I just found this 3 pictures from yassy's blog!! they look
very very very very cool!!!! haha rock on hoGc!

6 Apr 08
Posted by Loving At A God Level at 3:15 AM



haha get the joke? the rock rocks and the ruler rules! haha
got it from Jamie's blog! thought the pic was unique in many many ways!!!
I mean a rock? and a ruler?? talking??? and being lame with each other!!!
hahaha whoaaaa! nice!! hahaha

Tomorrow school starts once to sit in my 'new sitting place'
which has the mosssssst sun coming in (thks mdm norhani)
she said I was talkative! haha am I? LOL! okay don't answer that (:
and on Monday I'll be getting back my chem test results!!! excited! haha
hope I can be one of the top scorers?
and I'll be getting back my two chinese essays also! both I wrote more than 400 words.
then after recess, gonna have my POA test ):
And on tuesday, gonna have my E.Maths test
And Friday, gonna have a physics test!!
haha have to study real hardd and pass all with good grades!
yeah! got to do well academically (:

Then next week will be my NAFA test!! whoooo!!!! finally I can get it over and done with.
Have completed my 2.4km run already! I broke my own record! I came in with a timing of 10.44mins!!! haha yayy for me!
I'm aiming to do 7 pull-ups, 50 sit-ups, 2.5m for my standing-broad jump, 10seconds for my shuttle run and 40 for my sit and reach! haha with that I'll get GOLD! for once in my whole life haha always getting silver...BORING! want a Gold at least for my last year. (:

Alright now I got to go prepare for my tuition (: it's from 1pm to 3pm!
then I'll going back online till about erm 4 to 5pm then I'll be going back to study I guess.

Sunday, April 6, 2008 5 Apr 08
Posted by Loving At A God Level at 12:15 PM
Woke up at 7am today!!! whooo!!!! and I didn't feel tired at all for the whole day
Had milo at macs with cheryl and marvin, and marvin ate sooooo "FAST"...tsk took 15mins to 
eat and he said "I eating very fast" LOL!

okay after that went for the founder's day rehearsal..met joleen and wanling outside the main gate then went into school and guess scolded first thing in the morning by one auntie for erm nothing?! tsk she said something about us setting off some alarm??? and we just reached school laa!!! ps: maybe it was the alarm notifying that the best looking people in the school has arrived already!!! yeah! maybe it was that (: I shall look on the bright side of things??? yupp haha

After getting scolded once, when we reached the music room, got scolded by shahril cuz the guitar
room was locked so we were like ?! yeah
then I had a sudden enlightenment! remembered that roger was in school so we could take guitars from the D.I.C...but only got 2 so joleen and wanling ran out of school to borrow one more guitar from their friend and marvin ran home to take his new we needed 4 guitars.

Then while waiting for them to return, cheryl, hannah and muah set up the music stands and chairs then we slacked in the music room!!! XD
I played the drumsss!!!! haha it was loud????? well according to joleen it was. haha
So when everyone came back to school, we tuned our guitar in the music room and slack again for a while and then THEN we decided to go to the hall for rehearsal.
so we rehearsed and rehearsed and rehearsed till like 11.30pm then I had to become the scapegoat for SOMEONE (once again) and tell shahril that cheryl, marvin and I had to leave at 11.45am....and yes I got scolded AGAIN! today's like the SCOLD EUGENE DAY or something la! haha
then when 11.45am came, marvin just dashed out while shahril was not looking la!!! tsk always so impulsive haha second time he's doing this to cheryl and me! last time was at KFC....
then cheryl and I decided to just walk out
this is a pic of shahril:

he didn't know I was taking a pic of him

yeah haha coming back, as we were walking to the bus stop, kena suan-ed like hell by cheryl and her friend...haha I forgot her name...then she pinched me laaa
she suan me, then after that call me GAY! then not happy come and pinch me...everyone's bullying me today ):
Then took bus 31 to Parkway...
when I reached there, friends told me to go to Tanjong Katong Shopping Centre there cuz they want to alter their school had to go back and take bus 135 there. After that took a cab down to orchard walked around then went to church and had lunch downstairs at Long John Silvers..but I bought subway in haha
I ate a foot long sandwich and devoured the cookies and drink after that!!!! it was my first time hahaha BIG BIG APPETITE!! lol
then at 5pm had service till 7pm
and mong squeezed my hand for 12mins plussss!!!!!
my hand was super numb after that haha

you should know laa haha very obvious...

then I went home (:
and here I am now blogging
it's 9.15pm now!! haha yeap....gonna chat chat chat
then around midnight or something, I'll go my A.maths, Maths and Science homework! After that, I'll set up my workplan for the next week..which will be PACKED!
got rehearsal almost everyday! and many many more things!
if you happen to see my'll just want to faint or sing lalalalala haha okay being lame again! XD

alright..I'll stop here for now.
blog again later or tomorrow (:

Saturday, April 5, 2008 4 Apr 08
Posted by Loving At A God Level at 12:55 PM
Just finished tuition!! haha tired as usual (:
and guess what?! I took a pic of something reallyy lame haha:

haha whooo!!!!!!!
had it in my room for yearrssssssss haha
it's a pen..LOL dunno why it's still there.....
but ain't it cool??!!
haha okay being lame here..


Anyway I almost fainted during a class test today!! WHOAAAAA!
Guess I was feeling too stressed out haha don't know for what also..tsk IT WAS JUST A TEST! lol
then after school, had LTC's remedial, which turned out to a common test!!! -__-
but it was just Paper 1(compo)
and I made a GREAT GREAT achievement! I wrote 445 words all by myself and this time, it made sense haha LTC said my handwritting is nice (REALLY? hmm..) haha okay. Hope I can score well for it..put in a lot of effort! XD
After that I went to play badminton with Jovan, Steve, Ron, Marcus, Brian, Caleb and Jasper.
and got hit by Jasper's racket on my ribcage laa!!!! tssk KILLER LITTER haha KIDDING!
but yeaaa it hurtsss haha got problems laughing now
yeap so after playing went home bathed then had P.O.A tuition till 9.30pm

haha that was my day!!! whooo!!! so exciting right?! haha there's more actually haha ABOUT RONG GUI!!!! he did something to erm Michelle HAHAHAHAHAH
I shall not be mean and say it here?! haha yea! Rong Gui!! thank me! haha awww.... (:
okay i'll stop here? write more when I have moree interesting infos haha
ohoh and all the best SHSS Band for impressions 9!!!!!!
bye!! whoooo!!!